
Little Barn Owls Nursery, Midhurst


We are extremely excited to announce the opening of our 5th Nursery, Little Barn Owls Nursery, Midhurst

Formerly known as The Country Mouse, Little Barn Owls Nursery, Midhurst provides childcare for 50 children aged 3 months – 5 years. Located close to Midhurst town centre, the nursery boasts a beautiful open plan garden and 3 rooms, specially curated to provide inspiring environments, thought provoking resources and nurturing spaces for children.


Over the coming months, Little Barn Owls will be working with the fantastic team at Midhurst to introduce aspects of the Reggio Emilia approach, as well as Scandinavian and forestry approaches.

We are currently looking to expand our team at LBO Midhurst, and will soon in turn offer spaces for children to join throughout 2025 and 2026.

For career opportunities, you can contact our HR and Recruitment teams at HR@littlebarnowls.co.uk

For all admissions enquires please contact our Admissions Team at admissions@littlebarnowls.co.uk


We look forward to sharing our journey with you!



What is the Reggio Emilia approach?

Click here to find out about our vision, ethos and educational approach.

Children aged 3 months to 5 years

Our nursery in Midhurst cares for children aged 3 months to 5 years in three age groups, Babies, Toddlers and Pre-School age children.

Friendly Staff

We have a high ratio of staff to children across the nursery and take providing high quality care, teaching and learning very seriously. We have a dedicated Head of Family Support and a dedicated Head of Children’s and Adult’s Learning who work across all of our nurseries. We invest heavily in professional development of our staff at both our nurseries because we know that they are the key to children thriving and developing a life-long love of learning.

All other information about our Nursery’s ethos and routines can be found in the About Us section.

× Looking for a career with Little Barn Owls? Get in touch!