Parents are encouraged to become as involved as possible in nursery life, and there is a lot for you to be involved in.
We pride ourselves on having excellent relationships with our parents. We give detailed accounts of your child’s day at collection time, including activities and enquiries they have been involved in and eating and sleeping information. Key workers are always available too to discuss individual care needs at the beginning or end of the day.
We hold two parents evenings a year where you get to discuss your child’s overall happiness, development and progress at nursery and give feedback to us on your experience. We record and assess their progress through an online Learning Journal which you have secure access to and observations, photographs and videos are emailed to you so you can see how we are tracking their progress. You will also receive a settling in report, and termly progress reports on your child’s development.
We have an active Parent Nursery Association who meet with us roughly every six weeks in the evenings. The group is chaired by a parent and we hold several events throughout the year, including Family Forest School Days, Fun Days, Christmas Parties, Parent Workshops and Graduation Ceremonies. There is more information on our workshops and events for parents on the Events page.
We host a variety of evening talks and workshops for parents through our PNA (Parent Nursery Association). The most recent being a ‘Sleep Workshop’ run by Positive Parenting Expert, Elizabeth O’shea giving advice on how to help your child develop positive sleep habits.
A large part of our successful self-assessment practises is built on the feedback parents give us. We have an open door policy and are always on hand to discuss any worries or concerns, as small as they may seem. Parents have the Manager’s mobile number and are encouraged to call weekends and evenings if ever necessary.
We send out annual feedback forms which provide us with your views on everything from the nursery meals, the performance of our staff, as well as your children’s experiences. We use this information to assess whether we are reaching our goals and set new ones for the year ahead.